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We are a Salesforce Consulting Firm who is committed to fostering an environment of diversity, equity & inclusivity within our company & the communities we serve.

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Range21 is the leading the charge in DEI by making room for true creativity. We are proud to have a diverse team of people who are committed to our cause. Join our team & amplify our mission with your unique perspective.

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Provide an inclusive, diverse work environment.

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Net Zero Transitions:

The transition to net-zero is becoming a priority for all businesses. Industries in every sector are desperately seeking solutions in order to change their practices to create a sustainable future. Range21 helps by providing solutions to reduce carbon emissions & more.

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Sustainable Value Chain:

A wave of urgency continues to overtake Organizations locally & globally. Businesses of every scale are seeking ways to reinvent their value chains in order to optimize sustainable business impact. By design, Range21 ingrains sustainability; embedding it into your unique practice in every phase & at every stage.

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Sustainable Technology:

Technology assists & promotes sustainability in many ways. For example: paperless billing & marketing saves trees, and the ability to work remotely on a computer reduces carbon emissions. Range21 enables organizations to wisely use technology. Enhancing positive, measurable & sustainable growth.

We are proud to employ a sdhdf Salesforce Optimization & Innovation of talent.

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LGBTIQ+ Visibility: Advocates for love.

All Range21 employees have access to same-sex or equivalent benefits where legally allowed.

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Disability: Different perspectives.

Flexible work arrangements, assistive technology, and more. Hiring differently abled personnel facilitates direct collaboration; so we can integrate functions and amenities to help grant equal access all.

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Second Chance Initiative: Creating opportunities.

Sometimes we take detours in life. Our goal is to create opportunity for people who have found themselves on the wrong road; seeking a new direction. Our initiative provides training for previously incarcerated individuals, cementing a pathway to success in their new career.

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